The Learning Management System (LMS) at Marco Polo Academy Online is designed for educational purposes only. All use of any LMS tool within the course for any purpose other than the intended educational purpose is prohibited. The inappropriate uses include, but are not limited to criminal, obscene, commercial, or illegal purposes.
The administration has the right to review all student work in order to determine the appropriateness of computer use. If the LMS is deemed to be used inappropriately, the Principal will investigate and if necessary consequence students. Consequences may include suspensions and/or removal from the program. In some cases, further action may be taken including contacting day schools, legal representation or the police.
Students need to be very vigilant in order to prevent from getting into a situation where they may be suspected of inappropriate use.
Therefore students are reminded to:
- Always protect their passwords and not share them with anyone
- Always inform their teachers of suspicious messages or other incidents that they encounter
- Always only access content that is intended for student use
A. Student Internet and Computer Access
- All students are provided with internet access and to the LMS to access their course work.
- Students will access the internet either from school or their home using their personal devices.
- Log on instructions will be given to students upon registration. Log ins will be given to students to access their online courses.
- All students will adhere to this policy
B. Personal Responsibility
Students are expected to use the Internet and their personal computers in a responsible manner consistent with the educational purposes for which it is intended. Responsible, ethical use includes the following:
- respect for the rights of others and the computer
- adherence to codes of conduct, such as Code of Conduct and all other laws.
- MPA’s Code of Behaviour also applies to the use of the Internet.
C. Personal Safety
- Never provide personal information to someone you have met online.
- Never agree to telephone or meet with someone you have met online.
- Never assume that a message you sent to someone else will be confidential.
Inappropriate Activities
Inappropriate and/or unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Using obscene, threatening, harassing, or disrespectful language.
- Posting information that may cause damage or endanger persons or property.
- Posting false or defamatory information about a person or an organization.
- Reposting a private message without the permission of the sender.
- Using the school's Internet access for commercial purposes and using e-mail for chatting purposes (unless authorized by a teacher).
Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism
- You must respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when you reproduce a work without the permission of the copyright owner. Do not copy images, text, graphics, or other materials, unless the source provides permission. If you are not sure, ask your teacher.
- Plagiarism is taking the ideas, writings or images of others and presenting them as if they were yours. If you make use of information from the Internet for projects, assignments or essays, you must acknowledge the source of the information either in a footnote or bibliography.
Access to Controversial Materials
- If you mistakenly access inappropriate information, you should immediately tell your teacher. This will protect you against a claim that you have intentionally violated the Student Acceptable Use Policy.
- inappropriate use of online access by students and staff could result in disciplinary action that may include legal action and/or involvement of police.
Statement of Liability
The school makes no warranties with respect to the provision of Internet access and specifically assumes no responsibilities for its reliability or safety.
Safe and Caring Learning Environment
Marco Polo Academy Online provides a safe and caring educational environment. Consequently, students, staff and parents, will treat each other with respect and dignity. Any actions deemed inappropriate and affects the moral tone of the school will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly by the Principal. Consequences may include, counselling, parental involvement, suspension, expulsions and/ or the involvement of the authorities.